Remember i was offered an accounting position in my company? I declined it due to the fact that our warehouse manager left and now there is a vacancy there...I'm going to apply for it * crosses fingers* Hopefully i will get through , I mean its not that difficult of a job. Its a small company....I hope i get it, there is a raise that comes along with it :)
O what a day
My four day weekend was umm restful...i was sick, so most of the time i was high on NyQuil and Vicks sleeping the day away...i enjoyed it very much, been so long since i slept for that period of time. I'm much better now although i have a lingering cough and a slight headache that comes and goes, but other than that A-OK.
Today marked the first of many days i would be travelling to work, woke up at 5am and instantly got down to getting ready , by 6.30 i was out of the house and waiting for a taxi. In order to reach to my employers establishment I have to take a taxi and 2 maxis...the crowds, the pushing, the shoving, the tight places...its all very stressful addition to that there is a 10 min walk into the settlement , so you can imagine by the time i reached the front gate I'm just about ready to collapse. Leaving home at 6.30 I arrived at 7.45 not bad. Monday was long and dragged out. Now we are one member of staff shorter the weight of work is split up among who is left. Uggghhh it sucks. Monday totally kicked my ass and handed it to me on a sliver platter, all the while pointing and laughing..I hope to god Tuesday doest do the same.
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I'm feeling ill....
My throat is sore , my temperature is slightly up and i have these sneezing spates that last like 2 mins every time they hit. Do i have the flu? Cold? H1N1? I hope to god none of the above and its just my body saying I'm tired. I'm fighting this best way i know vitamin C....I hate to take pills, if the symptoms persist or get worse then I'll pop 2 NyQuil and hope in the morning to be better. This week is by far the best..Holiday on Monday, Holiday on Thursday and an off day from work on Friday..that gives me a cool 4 days mini vacation. Most likely it will be spent sleeping and cleaning. Diwali is upon us so my mom wants the surroundings as clean as it can possibly get...I'm fasting right now..amazingly i don't miss the meat, although buying food outside is very limited to a vege sub or doubles..but i hope to experiment with as much veges dishes as possible ...have to say its not as bad as i thought it would have been. i feel much healthier though without the meat in my system. Today just can't seem to go fast enough. I'm so not in the mood to type although i have so many things swirling around in my head. Just a not to self when i go home..update about job, love life and food. Right now i have to get back to doing work.
Labels: LIfe
Open Letters
Dear MET Office,
Do you guys ever get tired of being wrong all the time?
Good Day Universe,
Why do you find it necessary to kick me while I'm down? Were you not hugged as a child?
I would appreciate it while I'm lying face down on the floor that you pat me on the head and say hey no one believes you fainted, we all know you tripped now get up. Instead of pointing and laughing, then kicking me in the stomach and running away.
Thanking you in advance.
Dear Patrick Manning,
One letter won't be enough. This is just a line to say your budget makes me think I'm living in King Aurthur's time frame, all that taxing can't be good for the skin.
No respect,
Labels: LIfe
The case of the missing Shades
I lost my favest pair of shades * sobs quietly* i had it hooked on my bag, and then when i got into the car it wasn't there anymore. Its lost. Alone out there in the cruel world, smashed or worse found and being worn by some big face person stretching its poor shades. Today i took out another pair, a sleek sporty one...nuh really my thing but i have no choice its either that or face the harsh sunlight ( my previous one were uber cool aviator shades) It just goes to show you'll never miss the water till the well runs dry..and how i miss the water..umm... shades...My new mission is to try and locate an exact replica. Wish me luck.
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