O what a day

My four day weekend was umm restful...i was sick, so most of the time i was high on NyQuil and Vicks sleeping the day away...i enjoyed it very much, been so long since i slept for that period of time. I'm much better now although i have a lingering cough and a slight headache that comes and goes, but other than that A-OK.

Today marked the first of many days i would be travelling to work, woke up at 5am and instantly got down to getting ready , by 6.30 i was out of the house and waiting for a taxi. In order to reach to my employers establishment I have to take a taxi and 2 maxis...the crowds, the pushing, the shoving, the tight places...its all very stressful ...in addition to that there is a 10 min walk into the settlement , so you can imagine by the time i reached the front gate I'm just about ready to collapse. Leaving home at 6.30 I arrived at 7.45 not bad. Monday was long and dragged out. Now we are one member of staff shorter the weight of work is split up among who is left. Uggghhh it sucks. Monday totally kicked my ass and handed it to me on a sliver platter, all the while pointing and laughing..I hope to god Tuesday doest do the same.


Christmas Countdown
