New Friends

I've made alot of new online pals , some of them close to me , some of them not so much...I'm thinking of reviving "Creature Feature" will be good to appreciate the people I've got in my life, but not yet though I have to of course get permission from my friends to use their photo.

Diet Update: I've lost a LB...yup I'm pretty proud. Its not much but it is a start. I've basically cut out all snacks from my must have food groups, no soft drinks either. I feel healthier and energetic. I've also begun walking around the Savannah....well i only did it once...but i intend to try and get there at least 3 times per week. Hey its a start and its much better than me flopping around with my fatty self just getting bigger.

Monday went by with alot less stress than i expected, but today- gosh ...Tuesday is like the worse day of the week, right next to Thursday of course ( that's the other day "the witch" comes in) I'm approaching the day with caution, like a small mouse i''ll pop my head out sniff for danger then quickly pop back inside my cosy comfortable nest ( my office) until the danger passes...that's unless the cat decides to come ripping off my front door to scream at me for not filing away some report ...then I'll have to bite and scratch . Here's hoping its a good Tuesday.


Christmas Countdown
