
Come on spammers for Zeus sakes, I log on to blogger get all excited cause i see 3 unapproved comments only to find out its SPAM!! Stupes please do not dash my hopes like that again...geeze...

In other news its WEDNESDAY!! One day closer to Friday :) and this Friday is an extra special one --I'm heading Mayaro with mi familia for a 5 day funfest, I'm seriously excited. The food, the laughs, the pillow fights, the sand, the water, the running, the sunrise and most importantly the relaxation. Its gonna be sooo good.

Yesterday the witch wasn't as horrible as she usually is (didn't summon a winter that would last a thousand years) which leads me to believe that she is also going on vacation from today (whispers around the office)...well good for her, hope she comes back with a much better attitude.

Here's hoping for a great safe day!


Christmas Countdown
