Why do people ...

Why do people discourage rather than encourage? Whats so hard in saying "well good for you, I'm sure once you put your mind to it , you'll be able to do it" instead of "yuh sure you want to do that? But you need to have math in order to accomplish anything, it might be difficult, yuh sure you have the money to do that?"

Let me rewind....I've decided to pursue a diploma in Business Management , I've already made all the necessary arrangements to sign up for this course in Nov. one of the requirements is a job letter stating your duties and the length of time you have been employed with said company. I'm entering through the "mature route" . I do not have a pass in Math, and i don't think i ever will since Math is such a difficult subject for me, I know the basics of course but i could never see myself needing to build a bridge anytime soon for me to want to know the rest of the concepts.

All this was of course discussed with the personnel at the school who advised me that English is given priority in this course rather than Math ( English i am good at :D) so blah blah blah long story short. My co worker insist that in order for me to be anywhere remotely successful in this course i NEED to have a pass in Math. Well i say to her "boooo" Usually words like hers would make me pack up and not do the course, but that's the old me, the new me says bitch imma show you , imma show all of you that i can be successful in whatever I've put my mind to.

So here's wishing me good luck!


Angie October 30, 2010 at 8:57 PM  

good luck hun!!!

u can do it!

Celtic Crystal November 17, 2010 at 4:26 AM  

Good for you....never tell anyone your plans..just go ahead and do them. Wet blankets muck up your plan with cautionary comments and fear statements...... go for it!

Antonio Malchan January 5, 2011 at 5:38 AM  

Yeah!!! I have the same problem with Math. I hate it so much I don't even know my time tables that well lol.

An Yes don't tell no one your future plans for real, because we sometimes tend to listen to peoples opinion rather than our own decisions. So buddy just be what you wanna be an let no bitch an their mother tell you how to live your life.

All my life I have never gotten support from anyone, so as they say "every man for themselves".

byeee cheerio lol

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