Gone Away

There was once a boy who grew tired of this world
Tired of the lies that people told
Tired of the hearts that people broke
Tired of the cigars that his father smoked
Tired of the drink that he held in his hand
Tired of the things that made a man a man

He was so tired that he hardly spoke
The few words that came to him made him choke
How could this life be so bare
Footsteps chasing material possessions everywhere
Where was the truth within the lies? Where was his truth? his alibi?
How could he have fallen so very low
Where was his guide? Where should he go?

The boy grew tired
So tired he couldn't sleep
So he sat on his bed and he just weeped
He cried...a thousand tears went by
He Cried till his eyes lay broken and dry
There once was a boy who grew tired of this world
So he left.....


Igor Sandoval Jr April 19, 2008 at 12:10 PM  

I really enjoyed reading your "Gone Away" keep it up. You got talent.

Christmas Countdown
