
Have you ever felt like you have everything you need but something major is still missing? That's what i am feeling like right now, I live a comfortable life..I have a great family, good friends, i've found love, got food to eat, shelter,a job, loads of ways to entertain myself....but something is missing and i can't put my finger on it. Am i crazy? am i lost? or am i just human? I miss blogging....miss writing all the silly things that happen in my life, but i seriously need to find a purpose in my life.

A purpose and a plan. Last night after 2 months of procrastination i finally made my "things to accomplish this year" list. I'll probably type it all up here later, i came across 2009 list and i'm proud to say that i accomplished 80% of the things i set out to do. Am i proud ? O hell yes...so now lets looks forward to 2010, i dubbed the year of the Earthquake. I pray that Trinidad and Tobago remains blessed :)


Christmas Countdown
