
Why is it that when life throws rocks at me , i cant seem to run for cover fast enough and always end up getting my head buss? I dunno nah, today i feel so crappy, like i wanna crawl under my bed and just be forgotten. Guess its just one of those days for me, and i need to talk to someone and guess what none of my friends are available to talk so its like do i have to talk to myself? Then that will make me crazy, but honestly i think I'm just two raisins short of a fruit cake . AAAAAAHHHH!!!! i wanna run around and scream. My gf just called me , i thought she was angry with me or something, but she's not, i feel better now just a bit but better its amazing what the voice of someone you love can do to you Now back to the thoughts in my head, the millions of thoughts that float through my mind on a daily basis. Its too much to write down in one post .


Christmas Countdown
