
Ever feel like giving up, throwing your hands up in the air and walking away from life? I feel like that today. I dunno why, i just feel like tired of this life, of this earth, of this planet, tired of my family , tired of my friends, tired of everything...just tired. I don't see the point in life, the point of working towards big goals and achieving big things, when in the end we are all going to die, in fact i have heard about persons that die while trying to achieve this stuff, so whats the point of working so hard? Why cant we just enjoy the gift of life? Why is there so much pressure from all corners of my life to work hard and feverishly? The question on my mind is why? I'll never figure out the answer, take for instance today, its rainy, its cold, i wanted to lie in my bed , to be wrapped up in my blanky, to lie there and listen to the drops hitting my roof, that would have made me so extremely happy, but instead i have to get up, go shower in cold water and come to work, that doesn't make me happy, now why cant i do what makes me happy instead of doing what is supposedly expected of me. Mind boggling i say, just freaking mind warping.


Christmas Countdown
