Work, work , work...

Work was a bitch today we had stock was a full day of counting, worse of all the person in charge of entering data into our system quit and guess who was called upon to take over..yup me, so i had twice the work load than that of my co workers, it sucked but i did it-- cause well i didn't have a choice, my GM was in a serious PMS mood , that was not helping the situation at all, i was so tired that i skipped Math class and came straight home....but I'm glad its over for today, the bad part is that i have to relive it tomorrow-- cause yes, we have 2 days of stock taking..bleh.... *yawns* i should be in bed right now, i promised my gf i would get some sleep, but for some reason i am racked with guilt that i neglected my blog for so long and i miss writing all my crap better be off to bed now, hope tomorrow is a better i'm thinking about breakfast...and yummy orange juice....*makes the homer Simpson aaauuuhhhhhuuhhh* dribbles* orange juice.....


Christmas Countdown
