Ahh it been awhile since i last posted cause i have been so freaking busy, with work and family from the states here there is no time to do anything else but work then go home and have some fun. For the past couple days i have done nothing but go to the beach or river, I'm not complaining cause it was awesome but it all ends today cause they are all going back, I'm sad .... I'll miss them , but then i could look forward to next year when they will be here once again. I did so many things over the past week its had to recall its all seems to be a blur of water, movies, running and stuff nothing major happened to me .. injuries just a couple bruises and scrapes, nothing broken. I went to the beach Saturday and while splashing around in the water all these fishes came swimming past me, real small sardines, i was like Whoa where d hell that come from they were all jumping all over me, then my cuz rushed over, i took off my t shirt and made a net like thing with it we caught like 6 but they escaped cause i forgot the tee has an arm hole so the water flowed through there and the fish with it was so funny , but a couple mins later we realized why the fish was acting crazy like, because there was a barracuda close by i guess he was hungry, luckily we didn't bounce him up . Well by now my cousins probably are in the airport checking in i hope they have a great safe flight. Well thats all for now till later.


Christmas Countdown
