
So this weekend was a major bore, i don't get bored easily cause i always have some stupid thought or fantasy running through my head, either of me getting up one day to realize that I'm a mutant who can alter the weather at will, or me meeting one of my great great great great great grandkid from the future coming here to meet me to warn me that I'm suppose to put in gears some major event that would alter time and the govt has sent back some robotic warrior to kill me only to realize that the robotic warrior has already infiltrate my life and acting as one of my friends... yeah i know not original ideas but at least it can get me away from reality for a while, but this weekend i did absolutely nothing besides if your counting washing and cleaning my room things to do, but other than that nothing, not even a movie or cartoons or anything. I'm beginning to think that I'm getting lazy ... ha as if that is a possibility ... i cant sit still for more than a couple minutes, and after that I'm running about with my lil bro or harassing any one of my sisters. Usually on the weekend i would go somewhere or spend it with my girlfriend (ex) so i guess not having her in my life i have to remember what i used to do before i met her, we were together for like a year so it'll take some readjusting hopefully i can get back into gears before the next weekend hits .


Christmas Countdown
