My Encounter

Today i was in work having a sip of water at the water cooler just staring aimlessly into space when my eyes caught sight of something that looked like a piece of electrical cord protruding from behind our inside gate, i really didn't pay it much mind at first cause we recently had electrical work done to our building and i thought that it was just faulty work of the electrician but how i was wrong cause a few seconds after this "cord" started to twitch, moving like a cats tails when it has its prey in sight, at once my imagination got hold of me and i was transported back to my first week o f work, i was sitting in my office when all of a sudden the celing tiles were pulled up into the ceiling, it was freaky just as sudden as it happen the tiles were lowered back into place, i convinced myself that it was my imagination, but the next day the same thing happened only it wasn't all the tiles just a couple here and there it looked as if someone was pulling them back and looking down on me, so i was pretty freaked out , then as abrupt as it happened the tiles fell back into place. When i went home i came up with this theory that there were gremlins living in our roof and that they were waiting to get me alone to strike, luckily i share the office with my co worker ( i have such an imagination) so the next day it happened again finally i looked over to my co worker who didn't seem to notice, finally i was like " dude is it just me or is this roof really freaky?" he started to laugh and said i was wondering when you were going to say something, apparently whenever there is gusty winds outside somehow it finds it way inside and has that effect on out roof, so there was my gremlins theory shot to hell,but this morning it all came rushing back seeing this cord twitching, i stepped back with my eyes on it ... swirling around me were thoughts of what it could be, so being so curious i stepped closer, cup in hand (with my water) so it became clear that it was no cord but a tail that was attached to a HUGE iguana, i was shocked ( once again my gremlins theory shot to hell) how did that get in here, and boy was he acting nervous. it looked scary all green/brown eyes locked onto mine i was scared to move for it was above me any sudden movements and it could jump on me and kill me ( well not kill but scare the hell out of me) i inched my way slowly back and it just stared tail twitching, i kept moving backwards, cautiously finally i was a good distance away , the iguan still there up to this point i haven't told anyone i have seen it cause they may want me to get rid of it , which I'm not up for especially taking into consideration that when i was younger an iguana whipped me across the face with its tail so yes i fraid d damn thing. So its there and I'm here just the way i like it, but somehow in the back of my mind i know its gonna find its way in to here and then we'll have to battle. OK I WAS RIGHT THE FLIPPING THING SEND HIS FRIEND HERE A HUGE GARDEN LIZARD RUNNING AROUND IN THE OFFICE , BUT I GOT COURAGE ( ATE MY SPINACH) AND CHASED IT OUTSIDE , btw i really did eat spinach i bring bahagi for lunch.


Christmas Countdown
