The beauty of darkness

i just saw the most mind numbing site ever, a dark sky filled with low clouds heavy with water..against this dark backdrop, specks of white birds made a stark contrast appearing and disappearing as their wings flapped....beautiful, i stood in awe for what seemed like an eternity, swallowing the scene, wanting to be there with the birds, or to be part of the cold clouds. I spent my lunch hour outside my office in a chair, just looking out over the Caroni plains witnessing the beauty that sometimes i fail to notice. I am ease right now completely relaxed, and smiling...for some reason the rain or the thought of rain always eases my burdens, its my escape...when its available ...where there are no clouds in the sky i wait impatiently for night, where i can get lost in the stars, yearning to touch steal their beauty ....but that's a selfish thought, beauty of that caliber can't be hidden. This is the highlight of my day....that breathtaking dark scenery is now etched in my minds eye....every time i blink i see it, a smile creeps across my face. I can't wait to go to bed relive this moment.


Christmas Countdown
