Feeling better

Have i said how much my gf helps me survive? She did know something was up, but couldn't put her finger on it. I finally told her via an email, she sounded as expected, disappointed that i didn't turn to her. I explained that i didn't want to get her worried, if we were face to face i probably would have gotten a tap, her line was ( which made me realize everything) "i rather worry about one thing, than to stay up worrying about a billion things".... i read that line over and over , each time it made more sense. I think my problem is, being on my own for most of my life, i have my ways of dealing with stuff, but now that she's here i sometimes forget that there is at least one person on earth that i can lean on. One person that i can surely count on. I'm still very much worried about my uncle, but i no longer feel like I'm going to self destruct ...i guess whatever comes my way i have her to help see me through....


Christmas Countdown
