O my Gawdness

I stroll into work today, up the stairs ..all merry like because of the rain, if i wasn't such a macho man with so much pride i would have been skipping..lol..got called into the administers office, in my head all i could have seen was my bubble being burst, but how wrong was i? very wrong if anything another bubble was blown, and is now floating around with the other one...i was handed a small box...filled with my very own one of the kind...call cards!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, my own call cards...my name and position and everything...i know this may not seem like a big deal but OMG it is for me, i have never had call cards before.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....call cards...I'm soo excited now i can say, here lemme give u my card...hahahhaa...and it wont be an imaginary card that i usually hand out to my family.....its a real one.....*sighs* rain, call cards....nice...


Christmas Countdown
