Its takes work

A romantic relationship is sooo hard, when the newness of the whole thing has fizzled really have to love that person, to want to be there, alot of effort must be made in communicating, to making time for each other, quality time....its takes is work....Lately i have become distant from my gf , and i don't know why....its like i don't care if Sunday falls on Monday ..Something has changed....i need to find out what......It could be me, it could be her, but something is a miss.....more details soon...


Roving May 28, 2009 at 8:38 PM  

it happens at times, the spark kinda dies down u jus hav to look for ways to keep it burning. send her flowers on any random day that makes me smile :) lol [thats if she, likes flowers!] lol all d bess!

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