
How long would someone hold venom in their hearts? This is the question that kept running through my head, my EX gf can't seem to let sleeping dogs lie. Just when i thought she was out of my life, she pops back in like a bat out of hell. Her words actually. She's spreading hate lies about me, people i don't even know hate me because of what she told them. Now i know that this shouldn't have the slightest of effect on me, but it still hurts to know that someone i loved and who claimed to love me, would be this malicious. Its been almost a year since we separated, we just crashed and burned. But for some reason she just wants me dead. I dunno what to do, i hope it doesn't get worse. I just want to move on with my life. I hold no emotion for her, no hate, no anger ...nothing at all. When i look back on the relationship we had all i see is an experience that god put me through to be a better individual, and in more than one sense it made me the person i am now. More understanding, considerate, calm....every good trait that i have today is because of that bad relationship. Maybe that's why she hates me so, i left with good stuff and i feel as if i gained so much from our time together while she's just the same person she was a year ago.I'm not going to let this affect me deeply, but it still hurts ...i guess i will have to be the bigger person and just let it go.


Christmas Countdown
