I was thinking....

I need to stop worrying about what i might have done, and start focusing on what i must do to accomplish the goals in life.At least i know i did something right, and someone up there loves me cause they blessed me with a wonderful GF. That i am thankful for.Today a friend blew me off, like i said hello on IM and the person was like" yea?"....i felt hurt....maybe i was wrong to nudge, maybe i was wrong for wanting to say hello...but life goes on and although i thought my friend held me in higher esteem , i was obviously wrong, life circles on. I got over it and now know how to administer my friendship...in other words, there will be some cold shoulders soon. Work was hectic today, major projects still to be completed and more just keeps piling on, sometimes i wonder if my employer realizes that i am but one person, i think i work too well. I am still looking to switch jobs and elevate myself but everything has its time, i will succeed ....i am determined to


Christmas Countdown
