Still Upset

I thought i was healed this morning, but as soon as i got off the bed i knew that my stomach was still sick. I threw up again, this sucks, I'm am so scared to throw up i have the fear that i would choke and die, cause i sometimes forget to breathe, more than once i find myself gasping for breath between throw up's. I dealing with this the best way i know how, by drinking lots of tea and club soda. So far it not working!!! I drank a chicken corn soup last night, i was craving it, it helped me so much, i slept like a log. It was yummyyyyyy. Today I'm just gonna take it easy and not move around too much.


Roving November 25, 2008 at 7:13 PM  

Ewwww dat pic man .....LOL i hope u feel better hun... it will pass just now ;)

Christmas Countdown
