Swine Flu increasing...

OMG Swine flu has me in a panic. I wanna constantly spray Lysol on people, shower them with Hand Sanitizer and strap on a couple face masks on them. As each day passes the media reports more and more cases, i am very sure the numbers are higher ( remember when Uncle Jerry said there was no need to be concerned with the dengue episode because to his knowledge few patients contracted the virus, however reality wise many people died because of dengue.....but lets not go there) I'm trying my best to adhere to the precautions but i am very worried about the younger people in my life since their immune systems is not fully developed. So what to do? Easy --I'll lock myself up in my boarded house, only coming out to get supplies and maybe candy. This whole situation reminds me of 28 days later, the disease is spreading and pretty soon i will be running for my life , while trying to open a bag of skittles from zombies. I really hope this thing gets under control and people start taking stock of what is happening in the country. I spoke to a friend the other day, she was oblivious that Swine Flu had even reached our shores...i couldn't help but burst out in an uncomfortable laugh, then i sprayed her with Lysol...in my mind at least....Note to self stay away from public places ....need to stock up on Chocolate before its too late.


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