Today is soo not my day, no not because its Monday...i actually like Monday gives me an opportunity to laugh at people who hates it, but today has not been going well at all, first i was supposed to go apply for my passport but that fell through, so i have to go tomorrow instead and i was just informed that it takes 6 wks to process, OMFG 6 whole weeks and i really need it for May to go to a conference in St. Lucia if i don't go it will soooooo suck ass. So i faked sick this morning to get out of work, but since it fell through, i called and say the "pills" i took working so I'm coming to work, so here i am. On my way to work ( i walk) the rains came , and not just the regular kind of rain, this rain came with lots of wind, that blew my umbrella out of my hand and down the road, so i had to run after it, i did catch up with it to the amusement of people sitting in their cars, so there i am holding on for dear life to this umbrella and the wind just kept picking up practically pushing me 2 steps back for every one step forward i took, then all of a sudden the umbrella snaps shut over me, the rain was there beating down on me, so i had to fight against the wind trying to open back this stupid umbrella, so finally it opens but for the rest of the way to work i had to struggle to keep it open. Lets just say i got to work wet, my shoes was soaked, but luckily i have another pair here. But u know what pissed me off the most, it wasn't the fact that i was wet, or my umbrella betrayed me, no i could live with that, i got to work and lo and behold the rain stops and out comes the lovely sun in all his glory. I get to work, and while coming down the stairs, my shoe somehow gets tangled on my pants and down i tumble , one, two, three, four stairs i stumble on, then i just jumped i wasn't about to let myself fall head first down the stairs, i jumped over what seemed like 5 stairs and landed on my feet at the bottom....I'm convinced now that i am indeed a ninja either that or all the pretending i do has really paid I dunno i think i'm going to sit at my desk for the rest of the day, where it is safe, yes safe is good....o snap i forgot my lunch home...I hate today!!!!


Christmas Countdown
