So true....


  • Yuh refer to all salt crackers as "Crix".
  • Yuh know the meaning of the word "obzokie".
  • Yuh own a cutlass.
  • Yuh know how to "scootch" somebody.
  • Yuh can name 3 types of mangoes.
  • Yuh call everybody "dread"
  • Yuh know what a "grip" is and struggle to keep it under 70 lbs. when yuh goin` back home.
  • Yuh know dat to "cuff" and "box" are fightin adjectives.
  • Yuh call every bee, wasp, or hornet a "jaxspaniard".
  • Yuh pronounce San Juan: "Sah-Wah"
  • Yuh tired of hearin "Who let da dogs out?" cause yuh know de original by Anslem is de REAL thing.
  • Old dub like "Ram-Ram" brings back some special memories.
  • When yuh leave yuh does "ride out" and yuh coming back "in a timing."
  • When yuh crossing de road, and cars speeding toward yuh, yuh does say "Well bounce meh nah!"
  • Yuh don't look at traffic lights when crossing de road.
  • Yuh does say, "Ah tell yuh!", even when someone else is telling you the story.
  • Yuh put salt on every citrus fruit yuh eat to make it sweeter.
  • Yuh can avoid potholes with true skills.
  • Yuh grow up on Klim, Milo, Horlicks or Ovaltine.
  • Speaking of that, yuh remember eating Ovaltinees, Smarties, Catch bars and Cheers candy?
  • Every carbonated beverage is called a "sweet drink"
  • A good lime is not edible.
  • "A beer is a....." (fill in the rest)
  • "Donkey's years" means a very long time.
  • Yuh clap with everybody else when de BWEE plane finally land in Port of Spain.
  • Yuh know what coki-eye is.
  • Yuh call it a car park instead of parking lot.
  • Yuh call chewing gum "tring gum"
  • Yuh always seem to meet someone yuh knew in secondary school or dey cousin went to school with you.
  • De bone taste jus as good as de meat.
  • "Haul yuh tail!" have nothing to with a moving truck....ENT??
  • Yuh give directions with your hands... even if it's in another state (yuh jus go up de road and when yuh see...)
  • Yuh go to parties for the food... and the word free never quite had the same meaning.
  • Yuh nod your head upwards to greet someone... and sideways when the joke stale.
  • Your recipe for making orange juice is plenty water, plenty sugar, plenty ice and only 2 orange... and "ah pak ah red kool-aid tuh stretch it..."
  • Yuh say "boy" at the beginning of a sentence and "man" at the end of it... and the words "yes we" doesn't refer to any people...
  • Yuh hate to wait in long lines, a habit you adopted from the days of pushing to get into "pit" to see a movie.
  • 'Priority' doesn't have anything to do with what you have to do right away.
  • Yuh always turn around when someone says "Psssssssst"... except for when you make out the person first and you're duckin' them.
  • Yuh say "Soooo looooong" instead of "Yes, I'm done" when somebody asked you if you finished the job already.
  • Yuh have "knick knacks" all over your home... and a glass cabinet or a space saver to put them in.
  • Yuh put ketchup and peppersauce on your pizza. Anchovies? Yuh lossin it or what?
  • Yuh make a drink and ice cream with peanut butter but you never put it on bread with jelly... but you might put it on your dixie biscuits.
  • Your cupboards are full of canned corned beef, pepper sauce and red beans and baked beans ...and a dry coconut for the pelau.
  • Yuh think steak is a waste of good meat. Yuh rather cut it up and stew it with some potatoes instead ... or curry it and make roti.
  • "What goin on these days?" and "I jus dey" mean "Hello, how are you?" and I'm fine" respectively.
  • Yuh think your rum and Carib beer are the best in the world and you hate it when nobody heard of them.
  • Yuh put ice in your beer ...and you chew the ice when you're finished with the beer.
  • Yuh say "Old Years' night"
  • "Dis August holidays" actually start in July.
  • Yuh show disappointment / disgust by sucking on your teeth (steupsing)
  • Yuh still call a soda a "sweet drink" and an avocado, a "zaboca"
  • Yuh go to the shoprite clerk and ask them "whe allyuh have de breez?" meaning "where is the laundry detergent?".
  • Yuh say "whappenin" even at a funeral.
  • Yuh tell the host "Good Night" when you arrive at someone's home in the evening.
  • Yuh wash the "wares" after having dinner.
  • When someone sympathises with you, you comment "Yuh think it easy?"
  • Yuh refer to all sweet coloured juice as "Kool-Aid"
  • Yuh call a quarter a "schilling" when this really means 24 cents.
  • Yuh know that using "blue" makes white clothes whiter.
  • Just because something is called a "bake" you don't assume that it indicates the way it was cooked.
  • Yuh have at least one relative living in either England, Canada, or the US.
  • Yuh know that a washy-kong bears no relationship to King Kong.
  • Yuh have cancelled plans because of rain even when you're going to be indoors ...Rain is also a legitimate reason to be late for a rendez-vous... or to miss work.
  • Yuh know someone with a gold tooth.
  • Yuh know someone with their name either on their belt buckle or their chain.
  • All vaccinations are called injections.
  • Yuh are able to recite at least one (or several) line(s) from Sesame Street.
  • Yuh have been to at least one party where you have seen the sun rise.
  • Yuh know the meanings of: "washing wares"; "straightening a room"; "bodice"; "sucking yuh teeth"; "cut-eye"; "hot foot"; "bouff".
  • All dish washing detergents are called "Squeezy".
  • Yuh still give people (youself included) "meggies".
  • A rubber is an eraser.
  • Yuh know of at least one person who wakes up at 4am to LISTEN to cricket from Australia / New Zealand on the RADIO.
  • Yuh can feel cold when it's 25°C.
  • No matter how old you are, you still call your parents Mummy and Daddy.
  • Yuh still eat fries with ketchup AND MUSTARD.
  • Yuh call fries "chips".
  • Yuh pronounce words in plural, even though it's meant to be singular, eg."gimme ah COKES" or "ah GRAPES".
  • Yuh say "FLIM" (film), "AXE" (ask) or "PITIAH"(picture), "STATELLITE" (satellite), "CUTLASH" (cutlass). .
  • Yuh know what "Wukking a 10-days" is, and know darn well it's going to take much longer than 10 days.
  • Yuh know that a lime is not necessarily a fruit.
  • Yuh call little kids "po po" or "betah" and your girl/boyfriends "daahlin" or "punkin".
  • Yuh call any 'older' woman "Tantie" and any 'older' man "Uncle", regardless of whether or not they are related to you or even know you.
  • Yuh could sing an entire Parang song in Spanish word for word, but don't speak or understand a word of Spanish.
  • Yuh know who "Anansi" and "Papa Bois" are.
  • Yuh love Soca and know the meanings of RAMAJAY and DINGOLAY.
  • When in doubt of how to prepare something to eat ... CURRY is the always the solution.
  • Yuh know Trinis will curry any and everything (not just meat) even mango, fish, conch, chataigne, etc...
  • Yuh can take anything and make "chow" with it.
  • Yuh know what "chow" is.
  • Yuh can call your fellow "countryman" by an ethnic name and it would be ok, eg. chinee-man, creole, doegs, or pyol.
  • When you ask for PEPPER you don't mean ground black pepper.
  • Yuh get "licks" already with a guava whip :(


Christmas Countdown
