
Trini People will always be and continue to be fass (or farse however u want to spell it) This morning on my way to work, just passing grand Bazaar I was greeted by the sight of stand still traffic, instinctively i knew that an accident had just occurred. I pulled out my newspaper to pass the time, on arriving on the scene of the accident.......nothing was obstructing the flow of traffic, the wrecked car was pulled to the side of the road, the police was there urging people to "come thru" ...what was causing the were just slowing down to see the damage on the car, after the caroni was freeflow from there....just goes to matter how much American culture influences us, we will always have our Trini ways.


Roving August 2, 2008 at 8:06 AM  

fuh true,, we will always have our trini ways...

Angie August 3, 2008 at 6:14 PM  

its called maco-traffic

IcEwOLf August 3, 2008 at 7:03 PM  

hahahhah..i like that one, angie

Christmas Countdown
