The cash problem

That dollar below looks awfully real, like i could print it up and buy myself a pack of corn curls.I feel the sudden urge to say i wont, so no one will label me a potential counterfeiter. On the topic of money,i keep hearing that inflation is on a downturn, and prices should be following but have yet to see it in the supermarkets or feel it in my wallet. Is the gov't feeding the public false information or are business owners just plain greedy? Maybe we are the ones to blame because we don't exercise our buying power, i know of people who will buy regress if a tin of juice was 5 bucks last week and 8 this one.It doesn't matter to them. If we take a stand and say no, would the store owners be forced to decrease the price? but alas for every one person who says no, there are 3 probably who says 'yea whatever" I really hope that prices decrease so i can save some money, right now my spending savings are nil, i blew it all Saturday, was worth it though.Maybe soon, I'll begin to see a decrease if so hooray, if not, I'll just have to continue to bite the dollar as hard as possible.


Christmas Countdown
