Potter Mania

Pottermania has hit, and it hit hard.

Case 1: I'm pointing a ruler at my co-worker and shouting stupefy

Case 2: My gf know and repeats all of Snape's line from the first movie, word for word

Case 3: I get angry that the car doesn't fly

Case 4: I can't stop thinking that Jk Rowling is really Hermione

Case 5: I run around with a broom, pretending its Quidditch

Case6: I refer to my GM as "she who shall not be named"

Case 7: All the persons in my life i don't like are labeled Deatheaters

Case 8: I am constantly on the look out for testrals

Case 9: I wanna list Hogwarts on my resume as my Secondary School

Case 10: I speak parsletounge to annoy people.


Christmas Countdown
