D cooking....

I was ill yesterday, something in the water i think. My stomach was up in arms.It was nice to stay at home, could have done with out the pain though, plus the rain poured after lunch so if that wasn't a sign to crawl into bed i dunno what is. I have good news and bad news, I'll start with the good news first and the bad news will be in a subsequent post. The good-- i thoroughly enjoyed the cooking.I was very if-y whether or not to go and honestly my mind was made up to stay at home, but after some nudging from the gf, pleading from my sisters and a threat from my cousin...i was off. Dressed in my Saturday best, a crew of about 10- we entered the premises like we owned it, all eyes were on us, it was like slow motion but as fast as we walked in we walked out, it was just too hot and humid in there. We settled to lime outside, by the front gate. It was the perfect spot. Swaying to the music, drinks flowing freely, we greeted, laughed and danced with everyone entering. It was hilarious. Didn't get home till about 5am on Sunday.I can honestly say i haven't partied like that in a long time....it was freeing. Have some pics to post up, I'll try my best to look for the non scandalous ones. Sunday, i just lazed around the house hanging out with my cousins who were there, all in all a very relaxing weekend.


Christmas Countdown
