
Its been awhile since i used that word "buss' , i buss right now..work has been nothing short of crazy, we are currently moving our warehouse and offices so there is alot of packing, lifting, bundling and shouts of "rest it dey". Whats more "awesome" is that we are short of staff, so therefore I'm lifting chairs, tables, shelves, riding the forklift, jacking up pallets and everything in between ...Clearly i'm buss...lol.. and tomorrow i have to go paint my office...i have to paint my office..is my boss pushing his luck or what?..but honestly i did say that I'm willing to help in anyway i can to make the transition a smooth one..did i just stick a big "take advantage of me" sticker on my forehead? I hope not, the last time i worked this hard was at my first job...its not that I'm lazy, just I'm not strong so manual labor isn't my thing...but i do enjoy being mobile all day- great way to sneak in some exercise . Dead tired right now, and now i have to clean my room..well finish clean it i started last night..i should get started else I'll fall asleep here, then I'll be screwed for sure.


Roving June 12, 2008 at 4:26 PM  

lol, i never use that line "i'll help in anyway i can", that line alone is trouble, but it's good to help out once in a while, good luck painting the office, lol

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