The cheese stands alone

I've come to the conclusion that i cannot depend on my family for anything, for some reason this didn't come as a surprise, i mean I've always known in my mind if i need to get something done, do it yourself and not ask anyone for help..if I'm getting help of course I'll take it but i don't put help in my plans to achieve my goals. But now i have to totally write off my family, from my "yeah i can turn to them" list... but say what, i was born alone...its weird i feel like crying about this, people would say that the one thing you can depend on in this world is god and your family, i beg to differ, seems that my family is all tied up in their own separate issues of which i wants nothing to do. My sister the one who ran away, blames me for her actions...can you believe that...blames me....she told my mom that the reason she ran away the second time is because of my behavior, my confrontational behavior, i do admit i did "brace" her person and her but is that really the reason she high tailed it out of our house once again? How could she place blame solely on me? I feel crappy, especially since my mother called me aside this afternoon and told me that my sister will be visiting on Sunday (father's day) and i am instructed to have nothing to say to her ...I'm making it my business to be out of the house. I'm hurt that everyone is taking her side and obviously forgetting the facts of what she did and how hurt everyone was, but as usual I'm the scape goat it happened so many times before you would think that i would be accustomed to it already but it still stings...o well ....


Christmas Countdown
