I am touched...

THANK YOU Angie you really made my day alot brighter.*sniffs* I can't believe that you would do that, it really makes a fella feel appreciated , you even got my spiky hair. I've been so down lately, i have never been this low for this long, but I'll get into that later, this post is to say thank you to all my blogging friends, its weird how you can find comfort in total strangers, while my closest friends and my family are oblivious ...my family is always oblivious..lol..i wanted to do something special in return, but i suck at drawing, so I'll write a poem which i also suck at but it doesn't require me to color coordinate ...lol.. so for you Angie, the hand that reached and pulled me up from on the floor.


The world is a dark place filled with hate
People who don't know you will just discriminate
But to rise above you must
and to do that, god you must trust
For he made a world filled with light
and for those who know of it , we must fight
The haters, the liars and the game
the ones who will hurt you unashamed
Friends and family will see you through
rest assured that your blogging friends are here for you...

Its not that good, but it came from the heart *winks*....i think i'm finally ready to start posting...Thanks Angie once again.


Angie June 20, 2008 at 6:00 PM  

u can count on me anytime for a pick me up :)

i ur post over n over again

so u see, by doing sumptin nice for u, u automatically did the same for me :)

btw, i didnt think u'd notice the spikey hair too (he he he)

so here's to havin bbf (bes blog fren)

Angie June 21, 2008 at 10:12 AM  

ohh... i jus realised i left a word out
i ment to say i read it over n over again..as i did again (omg...do i really need a life?!)

Christmas Countdown
