The shake shake shake it weekend...

I'm not referring to the slight earth quake that we experienced which btw i didn't feel even though i was wide awake at that time. My weekend was packed, i had lots of fun.... Friday I went to my very first play *gasp* my gf took me, i must admit i was very hesitant at first thinking that uggh this thing is going to blow, i only agreed to go because my other half was extremely excited and couldn't contain herself at the thought of seeing a musical on stage ( she loves musicals, but strangely not Indian pictures...hmmm) and i love to see her happy. I did a 360 as soon as the curtain drew and the first act was in progress...i was amazed, and greatly surprised at the cast, the production, the acting, the songs and of course glimpsing over at my gf and seeing the look on her face would have made the show worth it even if it sucked,but it didn't suck it rocked...and i think I'm falling in love with musicals too. The play was the sound of music, held at Queens Hall..the only drawback was no i had to chew gum and swallow spit for like 4hrs...even though i was hungry as hell...but that aside i loved it, there were moments that i forgot actual people were singing and dancing in front of me, I thought it was a movie. We sat in the second row so we had a pretty awesome view, i so wouldn't mind getting dragged to Saturday i had my final exams in P.C diagnostics, repairs and upgrades....ummm i could have studied alot more than i actually did but procrastination and i go well together therefore my studying always equals to 2 or3 days of cramming, i don't know if i passed or not and honestly i can't tell , Wednesday i will get results...i so hope i time i promise i will study ( i always say that but it ends up in the same cycle) Sunday i had a wedding to go to, my friend Shinel who i hadn't seen in like 5 yrs or more got married and was so happy to see me, it was great...I did take pics so I'll post them up....i promise it wont end up like the St. Lucia set...arrgh...I should really post them up...but procrastination again....


Roving July 3, 2008 at 7:56 AM  

omg i wanted to go that same play! buh yuh know nah, i can't go anywhere!, oh well better ma keeps reminding me, that even though i hav completed secondary skool, I'm still 16!so i might get freedom, when I'm frickin 30!!lol and its good u went wit ur gf, not many guys would agree to do that! thumbs up to you!

Christmas Countdown
