
Is the world getting more and more populated with fake people, who carry fake smiles, have fake personalities, preach fake sermons, and just be all fakelike, without ever finding their real selves, to know what they stand for, better yet know what they wouldn't stand for ...its sad to see these people get all the attention, all the praise cause they say what people want to hear and follow the crowd like cattle in a herd...I'm jealous of them actually, cause i know that i will never be one...I'm always myself whether its being stupidly quiet, obnoxiously loud, "bitchy" ( my friends say it), or just depressed, its who i am...kinda sad actually, no wonder my social life consists of going to school and doing the laundry...hahaha..i suck so much. I feeling depressed, ever notice that one person can say something mean, and thats it ...i sink into depression, sure shows alot about my confidence, i just wanna run away from this earth, go somewhere far away, leave my friends and family behind and go to some out of the way country and start all over again, make my living rearing sheep, living off the land...maybe Ireland or something.I'm at a point where i feel frustrated with life...and honestly i don't know why, maybe the reasons is within me but I'm too scared to go find them and deal with it, i rather push it aside, let it float around in my mind and cause me to go crazy. I hate feeling this way, it sucks....


Roving May 15, 2008 at 10:32 AM  

Sometimes I feel the same way, but then we have to realise, thats just life and we have to deal with it and not run away, but deal with our problems face to face.....

Anonymous May 17, 2008 at 7:49 PM  

I too agree with you, quite frankly I am sick and fed up with people like that.

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