Sitting here feeling sleepy...i began to think about the weird places i have fallen has been one, on the kitchen floor, on my grandmother stairs, on the living room rug, under the mango tree, next to the couch, and recently in class... i never fell asleep in class before, in any class...but this pc class i'm currently taking makes my eye water and dribble comes out my mouth. I think that teachers have lost the art of teaching, aren't they supposed to keep the attention of the class, make the topics interesting, to peak attention ? Instead my lecturer just stands there , robotically saying line after line in a one tone voice..lulling the class to sleep..Teachers these days are more interested in money than the question of whether or not their pupils are actually learning something.Teaching like reading is a dying artform, that should be preserved, ever wonder why all of a sudden phonics, computer teaching programmes are all the rage...are our kids really getting stupider? or have the quality and care of teaching dropped? I think its the latter...
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