O hum dum dum

I don't like getting political , its not my thing... but i cant be silent anymore... first we don't have a food crisis, and now we do... did the agriculture minister take off his glasses or something? He did a full 360 on our asses, I'm like man no wonder this country is getting worse and worse everyday, every person in gov't is living in his/her own little world and so not in touch with reality. Anyone can say that the food crisis is a global thing and i totally agree, but the extent at which it affects us here in TnT could have been way less if only the gov't invested properly in the agriculture sector instead of making us an import country. Now the mad rush is on to set up super farms to feed the people, but no matter how fast they set this up, you can't force plants and animals to grow. Then i heard some talk about importing labor to work on these farm, wow ours must be a real big shot country where everyone is employed and living comfortably for us to have to import people, why cant we use CEPEP people ( cause from what i have seen, they only chop pitch, and wack grass they don't even clean the drains by me and this is what i have seen) or even prisoners to work the lands, let them pay back their debt to society and get some fresh air. But who am i to say, this gov't obviously know what they are doing... all those buildings going up.. hope we could digest concrete.


Guanaguanare May 3, 2008 at 10:37 PM  

Good points!
"but the extent at which it affects us here in TnT could have been way less if only the gov't invested properly in the agriculture sector"
To some extent we are also responsible because we went after the imports and especially the processed foods.

"you can't force plants and animals to grow"
Yes, and that's assuming that you've already got the infrastructure in place...access to land, plant material etc, technical and financial support. Apart from all this though, much progress can be made, even in one year, if we make the best choices and begin right away with what is already in place. Something else that occurred to me when you mentioned "forcing" animals and plants to grow, is that in some respects we do try to do that when move away from natural processes and we pump both livestock and vegetation with chemicals to enhance growth and resistance to disease. I agree five hundred percent that we have always needed to promote local agriculture but when I witness the note of hysteria in the recent reactions to the worldwide food crisis, I worry that with more people getting involved and more pressure on to produce, that the pollution (largely unregulated) that is already taking place in agriculture is only going to get worse if at the same time that we are promoting the industry, we are not demanding and supporting more environmentally sound approaches.

"ours must be a real big shot country where everyone is employed and living comfortably for us to have to import people"
Exactly!! More imports. Unless they are thinking that the locals don't know anything about agriculture and those that want to, cannot be trained or assisted in other ways.

Keep on thinking and sharing your thoughts about this.


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